Solution: Add-Migration Build Failed. Update-Database Failed
Entity Framework

Solved: Add-Migration initial -v Build started Build failed or Update-Database Failed

Add-Migration initial -v Build started Build failed or Update-Database Failed


  1. Make sure the solution is building right, clean and rebuild, if any project fails, fix it.
  2. Use dot net tool through command prompt to add the migration it will give you clear information
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName -v

Now fix the issue, in my case I needed to add reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

So I installed Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools and it fixed the issue.

if still looking for answers check this post

Happy Coding!

Azure DevOps Server, CICD, VSTS

TF401219: The team project collection cannot be detached because its version ID is different than the ID for the configuration database. The collection has the following version: Dev12.M53. The Azure DevOps Server is at the following version: Dev17.M153.5.


  1. Delete Collection Database using SQL Management Studio.
  2. Now Run below command to delete the collection using TFSConfig Utility:
tfsconfig collection /delete /collectionName:MyCollection

You may need to add Environment Path Variable to TFSConfig tool location usually it is located at: C:\Program Files\Azure DevOps Server 2019\Tools

Now go to your OLD TFS installation and run below command to Detach the Database:

TFSConfig collection /detach /collectionName:MyProject

Take backup, move the database to new TFS SQL Server and re-attach the Project collection either by GUI or through command.

Best of luck.


500.19 Error After Deploying .Net Core Solution


The solution is very straight forward, just go to Microsoft dotnet-core website, download and install the run time along with hosting package and you are good to go.

I am using Dotnet-Core 2.1.11 on windows so I downloaded the package as highlighted below:

For some reason if you get the below error, that surely mean that you have installed wrong version of the dotnet-core, you don’t need to uninstall previously installed package for most cases, just install the correct version and you are good to go.

http error 502.5 – process failure core 2.1

Azure DevOps Server

Azure DevOps Server 2019 Stuck at Nuget Restore Step


The solution is manual one, unless you find any automated solution.

It would stuck and display like below:

[command]D:DevOpsAgent_work_toolNuGet4.9.4x64nuget.exe restore D:DevOpsAgent_work2sAbC.sln -Verbosity Detailed -NonInteractive -ConfigFile D:DevOpsAgent_work2NugettempNuGet_247.config

So All you need to do is to go to your agent server and go to the directory


and execute below command

restore D:DevOpsAgent_work2sAbC.sln -Verbosity Detailed -NonInteractive -ConfigFile D:DevOpsAgent_work2NugettempNuGet_247.config

It will restore the packages at once and you need to cancel the build and initiate again. Next time whole process will work like a charm. Please also make sure you have access to internet or source of the nuget packages.

Azure DevOps Server

Azure DevOps Server 2019 Stuck at Nuget Restore Step


The solution is manual one, unless you find any automated solution.

It would stuck and display like below:

[command]D:DevOpsAgent_work_toolNuGet4.9.4x64nuget.exe restore D:DevOpsAgent_work2sAbC.sln -Verbosity Detailed -NonInteractive -ConfigFile D:DevOpsAgent_work2NugettempNuGet_247.config

So All you need to do is to go to your agent server and go to the directory


and execute below command

restore D:DevOpsAgent_work2sAbC.sln -Verbosity Detailed -NonInteractive -ConfigFile D:DevOpsAgent_work2NugettempNuGet_247.config

It will restore the packages at once and you need to cancel the build and initiate again. Next time whole process will work like a charm. Please also make sure you have access to internet or source of the nuget packages.