Installation, Redis

How to install Redis on windows WSL

Redis has become the #1 in memory database of choice on AWS. Developers are wondering how we can use windows environment to develop with Redis.

There are many ways in which you can achieve this goal:

  1. Windows WSL Ubuntu Installation
  2. Virtual Box
  3. Cloud Redis Instance

In this post we will share the instructions to install Ubuntu via Microsoft Store.

Before we move on, make sure you PC support the Virtualization and you have enabled the virtualization in bios , if not sure, proceed further, the error messages will let you know if you need to enable the Virtualization option.

Windows WSL Ubuntu Installation

Click on Start button, search for Microsoft Store, open it, Search for Ubuntu, install the latest one.

Microsoft Store

Choose the Latest ubuntu build

Now it will take some time to download the needed files and install it, once done.

Give the machine name as Redis and password of your choosing

now type

sudo su

enter your password

now enter below command:

apt install redis

press Y, to continue the installation. Now run below command:

sudo service redis-server start

now run below command to test if redis is up and running

redis-cli ping

Test Redis

Now Redis is ready to be used, just put the and port 6379 in redis connection string to connect. Congratulations! Your Redis is ready to be used right in your windows environment.

References : Install Redis

Solution: Add-Migration Build Failed. Update-Database Failed
Entity Framework

Solved: Add-Migration initial -v Build started Build failed or Update-Database Failed

Add-Migration initial -v Build started Build failed or Update-Database Failed


  1. Make sure the solution is building right, clean and rebuild, if any project fails, fix it.
  2. Use dot net tool through command prompt to add the migration it will give you clear information
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName -v

Now fix the issue, in my case I needed to add reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

So I installed Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools and it fixed the issue.

if still looking for answers check this post

Happy Coding!


Solved: Reason: The response was received at http://somsite/oauth2/callback/saml instead of https://somsite/oauth2/callback/saml in SonarQube

Solved: Reason: The response was received at http://somsite/oauth2/callback/saml instead of https://somsite/oauth2/callback/saml

To solve this issue you need to add :

X-Forwarded-Proto: https

in your load balancer configuration.